Sunday, November 4, 2012

Achaari Cheese-1 minute snack

This recipe requires no cooking at all.This recipe was in fact suggested by my  son.He loves cheese and  came up with this idea of mixing cheese with pickle and believe me,the combination tastes YUMM!
I pack this in his school lunch-box.
I mix MTR tomato pickle with Amul cheese cubes.You can mix any pickle of your choice.
So here goes the very quick recipe...

Amul Cheese cubes-3
MTR tomato pickle--3 teaspoons

-Cut the cheese cubes into half and add the tomato pickle to it and mix well with hands.
-Tada! Achaari cheese is ready to serve.

My Notes:
Another interesting combination would be cheese with fresh green chutney.

1 comment:

  1. Well The idea of nutritious snack is acceptable. You can find some more tips for picky eaters on our site.
